Angelbacchae's Dark Angel screen captures

Hi and welcome!

I'll start with a confession here. I have had the Dark Angel DVD's for about twenty (20!) years, and I have never watched them all. I only watched the series when it was on tv, again about twenty years ago. So, now I'm finally just watching the episodes before taking captures. Because I really need to know what the series was all about! And also, because I find the English language they're using, a bit difficult to understand sometimes. Feels almost like watching a new show! Hopefully I'll be able to post new and better quality captures soon enough.

If there is no added date for some captures it just means that they are some of the oldest ones and have been added before 2004. I have tried to do as much testing as possible, but if you come across with some strange layout or other errors, you can let me know and I'll look into it. Thanks. (6th April 2024)

Captures from all the seasons are available for uploading.

Last updated on 3rd June 2013
Added 154 images from the episode 1x03 Flushed

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Dark Angel fan Alec fan

© Kati "Angelbacchae" Hyöky 2004-2024
This website is made by a fan and has no intention in breaking any laws.

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